mõttelised tegelaskujud:
Hool - loodetavasti inimene
Mittekuuluja - ma olen inimene
Kuuluja - ma sain inimeseks, siis aga lakkasin olemast inimene
Puutumatus - kas see saab üldse olla tegelaskuju?
"Đje Si?" küsin ma, seistes keset korteri elutuba. Montenegros tähendab see "Kuidas sul läinud on?", kuigi küsimuse otsene tõlge oleks pigem "Kus sa oled?". Võib ju inimese asukoht kõneleda sellest, kuidas tal läheb. Samuti võib inimese käekäik osutada tema asukohale.
Tänan küsimast, olen elutoas. Laest ripub alla valge niit. Kogu korteri ruumala on koondunud, võibolla isegi klammerdunud selle niidi külge. Habras niit muudkui aga ripub. Teatavas mõttes ripub see korter iseenda küljes. Ja see on hea, et talle on ulatatud see niit. See hele ja õrn lootuskiir. Siis ei vaju ta mitte kunagi sohu.
"Đje Si?" küsin ma. Olen magamistoas. Katsun seina. Sein, kas keegi on sind kunagi üldse katsunud? Kui on, siis kuidas? Kuidas me tavaliselt seina katsume? Haamri ja naelaga. Trellpuuriga. Pahtlilabidaga. Naaskliga. Sa oled alati kindel ja toetav. Sinu külge riputame me risti Jeesusega. Sa hoiad meid üleval, hoiad lage me pea kohal. Sa hoiad põrandat vaos.
Kas me võime sind emmata, Sein?
Keegi on kiskunud su küljest krohvi, see vedeleb põrandal. Osa on veel sinu küljes kobrutamas. Aga krohvi alt paistab juba kivi või paneel. Kas see ongi see, millest sa tehtud oled? Kas see ongi su tõeline olemus? Need krohvialused kivimaardlad on seinte tegelik ressurss. Kas keegi on asunud neid kive kaevandama? Mida ta küll kividega peale hakkab? Kas ehitab uue korteri?
Sulgeme silmad. Kuulame.
Kähisevad hingetõmbed. Sammud. Ukse avamise ja sulgemise heli. Sagin. Rahva liikumine. Palju segadust. Segased helikatked, mis tulevad kõlaritest ja inimeste suust. Või seintele kleepunud ajalehetükkidelt. Ei. Silmad on ju suletud. Nüüd kõneleb korter.
"Mul on kahel vanaemal olnud samasugused korterid!" ütleb keegi (üks tuttav arhitekt). "Mul on lapsepõlvemälestused kahest erinevast kohast nagu täiesti mixed up siin!"
"Täpselt sama kujundusega, jah?!" küsin.
"Täpselt! Iga koha kohta võin rääkida sulle lugusid."
"Kuidas näiteks nende kappidega siin on?" küsin, osutades koridori ja köögi vahelistele esikukappidele.
"No seal oli mingi riideposu üleval ja puukasti pandud õmblusmasin. Ja siin olid toiduained."
"Sahver? Oli külm siis seest?"
"Ei olnud. Lihtsalt köögikapp. Köök on suht väike."
"Aga kumb on rohkem magamistoa moodi tuba. Kas see (esikust paremale) või see (elutoast paremale)?"
"Ühel vanaemal oli elutuba siin (esikust paremal)!"
"Siis ei pea külalisi kutsuma isiklikku ruumi. Võibolla sellepärast!"
"See on lahe, kui lähed mingisse võõrasse kohta. See on tüüpprojekt ja kõik need mälestused ujuvad pinnale!"
Jutuvada, uksed avanevad ja sulguvad. Sammud. Fotoaparaadi klõpsud. Fonoluku helin. Koputus uksele. Korter tervitab meid sellisena nagu see praegu on. Ja meie tervitame korterit, tänulikuna ruumi eest, kus kuulda ja olla kuuldud.
"Đje Si?" küsin ma endalt. Kõik elav ja vabalt ringi lendav on jätnud maha oma kuivanud tiivad. Suhkrutoos on saepuru täis. Seinad on nahka ajanud. Või on neid elusalt nülitud. Pigem on keegi püüdnud end neist seintest läbi kaevata. Aga tapeedialused kihid on endiselt alles. Neilt vaatavad vastu eelmiste elude deemonid. Neid ümbritseb düsfunktsionaalse kollektiivse mälu surnud tekst, mis ei tähenda mitte kui midagi. Kui avada silmad, saabub kohale gravitatsioon. See on justkui mitu veoautokoormatäit killustikku. Kui sulgeda silmad, hakkavad kostuma tapeedialuse maailma karjed ja oiged. Need on vaimud. Vaimud eelmistest eludest.
Keegi on kraapinud seinalt krohvi. Paksud tükid vedelevad põrandal. Osa seinast saab nüüd vabamalt hingata, osa seinast veritseb. Kui teil seda lugedes raske hakkab, soovitan teha kinnihoidmise-lahtilaskmise harjutusi.
Miks tänapäeval kooritakse maha kõik kihid, nii et vaid palgid või tellised jäävad alles? See on alateadlik soov koormast vabaneda, kaalus alla võtta. See on pornograafia mõju, kus kõik viimseni on eksponeeritud ja ka siis pole küllalt. See on tugev vastureaktsioon nõukogude modernismile, mis vaid kuhjas ja kattis, summutas, varjas, tuimestas, täitis.
Keegi on krohvi lahti kraapinud. Võibolla küüntega. Ma loodan, et ta kasutas seda respiraatorit, mis ripub akna küljes. Või ahmis ta kõik endale kopsudesse, mis on nüüd rasked nagu kaks tsemendikotti? Gravitatsioon - see on kaks tsemendikotti, mis on riputatud eloa lakke, õrna valge niidi otsa! Eks proovige nendega hingata!
Keegi on verd köhinud. Ilmselt siiski hingas ta endale krohvipuru sisse. Padjal on punane plekk. Padi on elutoas tugitoolil. Tugitooli ees on laud, millel on Pereci raamat, hulk vanaldasi suhkrutükke ja plastmassist number 34.
Number 34. On see korteri number? Või tähistati kellegi sünnipäeva? Surmapäeva? Päeva, mil kõik lootused otsa said?
Päeval, mil taibatakse, et ees ei oota enam midagi, võib tekkida tung kümne küünega seintest krohvi lahti kiskuda ja kogu korter molekulideks lammutada. Nagu vannituppa sulgunud Klaus Kinski. Ja puru endale kopsudesse hingata. Minevikku klammerduda. Teha krohvipurust triibud elutoa lauale ja need endale hinna tõmmata. I eat time, I excrete time! Terve korteri võib endale ninna tõmmata, kui oled minevikunisade külge klammerdunud junkie. Selline, kel on hiiglaslikud mälumislihased ja tsemendist kopsud, mis võivad sama hästi olla ka munandid, mis on nii suured, et neid võib kasutada toolina. Organid käivad ikka kahekaupa. Nii on meil korter ja šašlõkibaar.
Köögis on üks ammune kopsuröntgeni pilt. Kunagi olid need kopsud veel rikkumata ja roosad. Oli palju ees, mida sisse hingata. Kõik need värsked, lootusrikkad õhumassid, mis voogasid välja tammelehtedest seal üleval mäe otsas.
Võibolla on siin korteris keegi hoopis sündinud? Sündinud 34 aastaselt! Pressinud tsemendi oma kopsudest välja ja kritseldanud näpuga selle sisse "Volja". Vabadus! Elu! See on valge habras niit, mis hoiab üleval raskeid tsemendikotte. Meil on valida, kas me klammerdume nende kottide külge, või laseme lahti. Oleme nagu see valge niit, hingame. Ja ühtäkki on meil jälle kopsud, roosad ja süütud, sellised nagu nad olid alguses. Ja miljonid tammelehed seal mäe otsas toidavad meid värske hapnikuga. Selline see elu, see vabadus kord juba on. Nagu kiik. Kui teed hoogu, liigud. Kui ei tee, ei liigu. Kui hingad, on sul õhku. Kui ei hinga, siis ei ole.
Vaatan patja lähemalt. See plekk on erkpunast värvi. Tundub nagu huulepulk.
See on esimene kord, kui ma tunnen end kuulujana. See ei tähenda seda, et ma kuhugi kuulun, vaid pigem, et miski kuulub mulle. Ja see miski on arusaam veast ja eksitusest. Mingi autentne kogemus, mingi õppetund, mõistmine. Ja küsimus pole üldse selles, kas padjal oli vereplekk või huulepulk. Vaid minu automaatses projektsioonis - nendes tsemendikottides, millest ma räägin siin.
On korter. Ma ei tea, kas neutraliseeritud või pingestatud. Aga see võib paljastada mu psüühika olemuse, kui vaadata mu esimesi märkmeid ja hilisemaid projektsioone. Kõige turvalisem on end peita Bohdana ja Daria raamatu taha. Läbida korter neljas rollis, ja siis mõne rolli kattevarjus teha midagi instinktiivset, mõne rolli kattevarjus teha midagi, mis kõigile peaks meeldima või vähemalt vastuvõetav olema. See, mida teen instinktiivselt, ja see, mida teen enesekontrollist lähtuvalt, võib vaatajale segaseks jääda. Niisiis ütlen ära, et kõige tugevamalt elasin ma oma tungi välja Mittekuuluja rollis. Ikka see vereplekk. Ikka need tsemendiga täidetud kopsud. Ikka see raskus ja see äng. Sest mul endal on mitu korterit (ei, tegelikult teeb see ikkagi sama välja, mis üks korter), mis mind kiskjaliku aplusega alla kugistavad, ja mu kõige käepärasem kaitsevahend on agressioon, mis on jällegi kõige tugevam köidik selle korteri küljes.
Eksimused on ränduri kodustajad. Kui ma sain teada, et padjal pole mitte mingisugust vereplekki, muutus kogu mu ülesehitatud süsteem millekski selliseks nagu on läbiligunenud ja seina küljest lahti kooruv tapeet. Tüütu vana tapeet, mille all on palju veel tüütumaid kihte. Ja need kõige viimased kihid, milleks on tavaliselt vanad ajalehed, ei taha seina küljest üldse lahti tulla. Neid peab siis muudkui niisutama ja noaotsaga, pahtlilabidaga või traatharjaga maha nühkima. See on ühelt poolt suur vabanemine - sa tunned, kuidas krohv sügeleb. Teiselt poolt kaasneb sellega tohutu hulk emotsioone, millele algselt võis küll väljastpoolt kinnitust leida.
Kes üldse on Kuuluja? See ei saa jääda formaalsele tasandile nagu päritolu või elukoht. Need on täiesti ebaolulised asjad. Kuuluja ja mittekuuluja on sättumused, orientatsioonid. Minu kese on olnud Mittekuuluja poole kaldu. Sest Rändurimaa on ego laiendus. Kõik, mida kohtad teel, integreeritakse su maailma või sülitatakse see välja. Ja kohe sülitan ma ennast Kuulujana välja. Miks? Sest ma tunnen ennast nagu putukas. Mingi ebamäärane putukas, mis ei ole lepatriin, vaid pigem tarakan.
Ühel öösel Rakveres ärkasin ma üles, haarasin diktofoni ja sonisin:
Inimene on kosmos, inimene on lõpmatus ja me tahame teda vangistada mingite pisikeste illusioonide külge, mis on väiksed vangikongid. Korter. Korteris on palju kosmost. See ei ole väike vangikong, vaid selles on palju kosmost. Ta ei anna meile seda kodu ega turvalisust ega paikapaneku identiteeti. Ma ei saa talle peale tõmmata mingisugust traumalugu. Ainus, mis lohutust pakub on installatsioon shashlõkibaaris. Ja need on ühtlasi peied ja mälestamine, celebrationi koht. Seal on õigusega tehtud need savist majakesed, mis näitavad ära, kuidas me attachmenti vormime siin kosmoses.
Imaginary characters:
Care – hopefully human
Not Belonging – I am a human
Belonging – I became a human, but then ceased to exist as human
Stillness – can it even be a character?
"Đje Si?" I ask myself in the middle of the living room of the Apartment. In Montenegro this
question means “How have you been?”, while the direct translation of it would be “Where are
you?”. It is possible that one’s location may speak about how he/she is doing. Also the condition
of someone may speak about his/her location. Thanks for asking, I’m in the living room.
There is a white thread hanging from the ceiling. The whole volume of the apartment has been
concentrated around the thread or even clung into it. The fragile thread keeps hanging. In some
sense the apartment is hanging from itself. And it is great that this thread has been given to it. It
is a light, fragile beam of hope. And it doesn’t let the apartment fall down.
"Đje Si?" I ask. I am in the bed room. I touch the wall. Hey Wall, have you ever been touched?
If so, then how? How do we usually touch the Wall? With a hammer and a nail? With an electric
drill? Taping knife? An awl? Wall, you are always supportive and strong. We hang the cross with
Jesus to you. You hold us up, you hold the ceiling above our heads, you keep the floor
together. Can we hug you, oh Wall?
Someone has torn the plaster down from you. It is lying on the floor. Some is still peeling off
from you. And I can see stone or concrete underneath. Is that what you are actually made of?
Is that your true nature? These stone fields, hidden under the plaster, are the actual resources of
walls. Has someone already started mining these resources? What would they do with these
stones? Build a new apartment?
Let’s close our eyes and listen.
Hoarse breathing. Footsteps. The opening and shutting of a door. A hustle. Movement of people.
Quite a bit of mess. Mixed sound clips coming from speakers and mouths. Or from the pieces
of newspaper, stuck on the walls. No, no! My eyes are shut! Now let the Apartment speak.
“My both grandmas had exactly the same type of apartments!” says someone (an architect who
I know). “I have childhood memories from two different places totally mixed up here!”
“Exactly the same design?” I ask.
“Exactly the same! I can tell you stories of every place here!”
“How is it with these closets here?” I ask, pointing towards the closets between corridor and
“Well, up there was a bunch of clothes. And a sewing machine inside of a wooden cage. And
here was food!”
“Like a stock room? Cold inside?”
“Not cold. Just a kitchen closet. Kitchen was quite small.”
“But which room is more suitable for a bedroom. Is it the one to the right from corridor or to the
right from living room?”
“One grandma had her living room here.” (Points to the right from corridor)
“Then you don’t need to invite your guests to your personal space. Maybe that’s why!”
“It is cool to go to a stranger’s place. It is a standard project and all these memories come to
Chatter. Doors open and close. Footsteps. Photographing. Door alarm. Knocking. The
Apartment - as it is now - greets us. And we greet the Apartment, grateful for having the space to
hear and to be heard.
"Đje Si?" I ask myself. Everything that used to live and fly for free has left its dried wings here. Sugar bowl is full of sawdust. The walls have shed their skin. Or they have been skinned alive. Rather it was someone who tried to dig through these walls. But the deeper layers of wallpaper are still partly present. The demons from past lives are staring from there. They are surrounded by the dead text of dysfunctional collective memory that means absolutely nothing. If I open my eyes, the gravity arrives. It feels like truckloads of rubble. If I close my eyes, I hear the cries and moaning of the worlds under the wallpaper. These are ghosts from the past lives.
Plaster has been scratched off from the wall. Thick pieces of it rest on the floor. A part of the wall can now breathe. A part of the wall is bleeding. If you feel heaviness while reading this, I advise you to do some hold-and-let-go exercises.
Why all layers are peeled off nowadays, so that only logs or bricks are exposed? It is a subconscious desire to get rid of the burden, to lose weight. It is the effect of pornography, where everything is exposed up to bones and even then it is not enough. It is a strong resistance to Soviet modernism that only piled and covered, smothered, concealed, numbed, filled.
Someone has scratched off the plaster. Maybe with his/her finger nails. I hope he/she used this respirator that is hanging on the window. Maybe he/she grasped everything into his/her lungs that are now heavy as two bags of cement. Gravity – it is two bags of cement that are hanging from the living room ceiling, just with the help of the white fragile thread! Just try to breathe with those lungs!
Someone has been coughing blood. Probably he/she still grasped some plaster powder inside. There is a white pillow with a red stain on an armchair in the living room. There is a table with a book of Perec, lots of aged sugar cubes and a plastic number “34”.
Numbr 34. Is that the number of the Apartment? Or a birthday has been celebrated here? Or death day? The day where all hopes ran short?
The day when you realize that nothing is waiting ahead can trigger a desire to scratch the plaster off the walls with your ten fingernails and turn the whole Apartment into molecules. Like Klaus Kinski, shut inside a bathroom. And to grasp powders into your lungs. And to cling to the past. And to draw lines out of plaster powder and sniff them into your nose. I eat time, I excrete time! The whole Apartment could be sniffed inside, if you happen to be the kind of junkie, who keeps feeding from the breast of the past. The kind that has huge chewing muscles and cemented lungs that can also be testicles as well. So huge that you could sit on them. Organs come in couples. So we have the Apartment and the Shashlyk Bar.
There is an old lung X-ray in the kitchen. Long ago those lungs were unspoiled and pink. There was a lot of air to breathe waiting ahead. All these fresh masses of air, full of hopes, leaking out of these millions of oak leaves on the hill.
Maybe someone was born in this Apartment? Born 34 years old! Pushed the cement out of his/her lungs and scratched “Volya” into it. Freedom! Life! It is the white fragile thread that keeps up these cement bags. We can choose if we cling to these bags or we let go! We’d be like this white fragile thread. We’d breathe! And suddenly we have lungs again, they are pink and virgin, just like in the beginning. And millions of oak leaves on that hill feed us with their fresh oxygen. This is what this life, this freedom is about. Like a swing. If you move, you move. If you don’t, you don’t. If you breathe, you have air. If you don’t, you don’t.
I take a closer look at the pillow. The stain is bright red. Looks like lipstick.
It is the first time when I feel myself as Belonging. It doesn’t mean that I belong somewhere. It means that something belongs to me. And that something is the understanding of my mistake. An authentic experience, a lesson, realization. It is also not the question, whether the stain on the pillow was blood or lipstick. It is about my automatic projection – these bags of cement that I mention already here.
There is the Apartment. I don’t know if it is neutralized or energized. But it may unveil the nature of my psyche. Especially if we see my first notes and further projections. The safest way was to hide myself behind the book of Bohdana and Daria. To pass the Apartment in four different roles. Some of these roles let you do something instinctive, some of these roles let you be legit and please people. What I do by instinct and what I do by self control can be confused by those who observe me. Therefore I openly say that my strongest drive was related to Non-belonging. Still that stain of blood. Still these cemented lungs. Still the heaviness and angst. As I myself have several apartments (no, actually it is still the same as one) that eat me alive. And the easiest self defense is aggression. Which is also the strongest bond with the apartment.
Mistakes domesticate the traveller. When I realize that the pillow has no blood stain on it, the whole system I had set up turned into something like a soaked wallpaper that is peeling off the wall. An annoying old wallpaper that has even more annoying layers under it. And the last layers, which are usually old newspapers, are the hardest to peel off from the wall. You only have to keep watering and scratching them. It is a huge revelation – you can feel the itching of the plaster. But it also triggers emotions that used to find confirmation by the reality but maybe not anymore.
What is Belonging? It cannot be limited to origin or residence. These are trivial issues. Belonging and Not-Belonging are orientations. My core has always leaned towards Not-Belonging. As Nomadland is the extension of ego. Everything that you meet on your way gets integrated with your world or thrown out of it. And I am just about to throw myself out as Belonging. Why? Because it makes me feel like an insect. An undefined insect that is definitely not a ladybug, but rather a cockroach.
Once I woke up at night in Rakvere, grabbed the recorder and mumbled into it:
A human is the cosmos, a human is infinity and we want to trap ourselves into some tiny illusions that are small as prison cells. The Apartment. There is a lot of cosmos inside the Apartment. It is not a small prison cell, it has lots of cosmos. It doesn’t give you this home and safety, this identity of fixation. I cannot pour it over with a traumatic story. The only thing that comforts me is the installation at the Shashlyk Bar. These are the funerals and remembering, the place for celebration. One has been entitled to build these clay cottages that show how we shape our attachments in the cosmos.